William McDowell – Arise Intro (Live)

And here we present another music “Arise Intro” highly performed by the American gospel music pastor, William McDowell.

“Arise Intro” is another piece of music from the talented American gospel music pastor, William McDowell. The new entry was recorded and released in 2011 and is said to be one of the tracks that rise from his new studio album of twenty-three tracks titled “Arise”.

Arise is a remarkable and well-created body of work. It accommodates a number of twenty-three tracks and features no guest appearances. It is a special offering in which William McDowell still showcases his unlimited capabilities and puts some hard work into reaching his fans’ satisfaction and expectations.

The song “Arise Intro” happens to be the 1st and one of the most impressive tracks you shouldn’t miss from Byron Messia… Listen, download, and share with others below!!!

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Video: William McDowell – Arise Intro

Lyrics: William McDowell – Arise Intro

[Spoken intro]
Look around, tell me what you see:
Nearly a billion people into the 21st Century,
Unable to read a book or sign their names.
Illiterate, and unable to read, not even the Bible.

Look around, tell me what you see:
Earthquakes, natural and man-made disasters,
Political unrest, famine, war, poverty,
And disease all around us.
The truth of God being trampled,
And Jesus being scorned by a world
In desperate need to encounter him.
Tell me, what do you see?

Jesus said: You are the salt of the earth.
But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor?
Can you make it salty again?
It will be thrown out underfoot as worthless.
You are the light of the world,
Like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.

And Jesus Christ, the only answer for the world,
Lives in you, and moves through His body, the Church.
Yet the world says the Church is losing its influence.
This cannot be… not on our watch.
May the eyes of this generation be open.

One-sixth of the world’s population is hungry.
Half of the world’s population lives on less than two dollars a day.
Half of all the children in the world live in poverty;
More children die from drinking bad water
Than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined.
And water is the most abundant resource on the planet.

Look around: what do you see?
Church, how will we respond?

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