Bro. Gbile Akanni – The Minister’s Challenge In Preparing Men For Rapture

The Minister’s Challenge In Preparing Men For Rapture

Brother Gbile Akanni shares profound insights into the weighty responsibility that ministers bear in preparing men and women for the Rapture. He highlights the crucial role of ministers as shepherds entrusted with the spiritual well-being of their flock, guiding them towards readiness for the imminent return of Christ. Brother Gbile Akanni challenges ministers to prioritize teaching sound doctrine, fostering a culture of prayer and repentance, and equipping believers to withstand the challenges of the end times with unwavering faith.

Moreover, Brother Gbile Akanni emphasizes the importance of leading by example, living lives marked by humility, integrity, and fervent devotion to God. He encourages ministers to model the virtues they preach, demonstrating a genuine love for God and His people that inspires others to follow suit. By embracing the minister’s challenge with diligence and sincerity, ministers can play a pivotal role in preparing men and women to meet the Bridegroom with joy and confidence when He comes for His bride.

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