Apostle Joshua Selman – How To Engage End of The Year Retreat

Apostle Joshua Selman’s insightful sermon on “How To Engage End of The Year Retreat” provides valuable guidance for believers seeking to culminate the year with spiritual reflection and divine connection. Rooted in biblical principles, Apostle Selman underscores the importance of closing the year with intentional moments of solitude, prayer, and reflection on God’s faithfulness. He offers practical insights on structuring an end-of-the-year retreat, emphasizing the significance of setting aside dedicated time for worship, thanksgiving, and seeking God’s guidance for the coming year.

This sermon serves as a motivating call for believers to engage in purposeful reflection and spiritual planning as they approach the end of the year. Apostle Joshua Selman’s teachings inspire individuals to use the retreat as an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, evaluate their spiritual journey, and set meaningful goals aligned with God’s purposes. “How To Engage End of The Year Retreat” stands as an empowering message, encouraging believers to approach the conclusion of the year with intentionality, ensuring that they step into the new season with renewed spiritual vigor and a clear sense of divine direction.

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