Apostle Christian Nwoke of God’s Army Global passionately addresses the spiritual condition of the church, urging believers to heed the warning of the burning lampstands in the book of Revelation. With unwavering conviction and fervent prayer, he calls his congregation to examine their hearts and assess the vibrancy of their spiritual lives. Through his teachings, Apostle Nwoke emphasizes the importance of maintaining the fervor of their first love for Christ, lest their lampstand be extinguished and their influence dimmed.
As Apostle Nwoke delves into the symbolism of the burning lampstands, he challenges believers to fan into flame the gifts and callings that God has placed within them. By encouraging them to cultivate a lifestyle of intimacy with God, fervent prayer, and faithful obedience, he empowers them to shine brightly as beacons of light in a darkened world. Through the restoration of burning lampstands, believers are poised to fulfill their divine mandate, illuminating the path to salvation and drawing others into the warmth of God’s love and grace.
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