In this profound series titled “Prepare to Meet Thy Saviour,” Apostle Jotham Bobai Adams, president of Shekinah Encounter Center, leads his congregation on a transformative journey of spiritual readiness. With unwavering conviction and biblical insight, Apostle Adams delves into the timeless truth that every soul must one day stand before their Savior. Drawing from scriptures such as Amos 4:12, which admonishes us to prepare to meet our God, Apostle Adams urges believers to take heed of this solemn call to readiness.
Through compelling storytelling and heartfelt exhortation, Apostle Adams challenges his listeners to examine their hearts and lives, ensuring they are in a state of spiritual preparedness for the glorious day of Christ’s return. He emphasizes the importance of living with a sense of urgency and vigilance, knowing that our encounter with the Savior is not a distant event but a reality that could unfold at any moment. As hearts are stirred and minds are renewed, believers are inspired to embark on a journey of personal introspection and intentional preparation, eagerly anticipating the blessed reunion with their Savior, Jesus Christ.
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