Apostle Christian Nwoke – At Thy Right Hand

In the sacred scriptures, the concept of being at the right hand of God signifies a position of honor, authority, and intimacy. Apostle Christian Nwoke of God’s Army Global expounds upon this profound truth, revealing the significance of being at Thy right hand. With deep insight and spiritual discernment, he elucidates how believers are invited into a close relationship with God, positioned at His right hand through the redemptive work of Christ. Through his teachings, Apostle Nwoke inspires his congregation to embrace their identity as heirs of this privileged position, heirs who share in Christ’s victory and authority.

As Apostle Nwoke leads his congregation into a deeper understanding of being at Thy right hand, he empowers believers to walk in boldness and confidence, knowing that they are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Through prayer, worship, and a lifestyle of obedience, he encourages believers to draw near to God, experiencing the fullness of His presence and power. With hearts attuned to the leading of the Holy Spirit and minds anchored in the truth of God’s Word, believers are equipped to fulfill their divine mandate, advancing the kingdom of God and bringing glory to His name as they abide in Him who sits at the right hand of the Father.

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